Restart Story

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The wizard arches an eyebrow, and stares for a moment. You feel quite uncomfortable. He raises his staff just a little off the ground, and you remember nothing else. \n\nYou are dead.\n\n
One moment you were reaching for your sword, the next your consciousness ceased to exist.\n\nYou are dead. You don't even know what happened. But you were plainly no match for him.
<<silently>>\n<<set $PlayerName = "adventurer">>\n<<set $HP = 20>>\n<<set $GP = 16>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[img[DungeonDoor1.jpg]]\n\nYou let out a huff as you finally reach the dungeon door. God, what a journey. It took more than twenty minutes to get here from your home in Meadowtown. But what's this? There's someone else here already.\n\nIn front of you stands a mighty wizard. He's lounging around outside the dungeon door. As you approach he smirks with what looks like anticipation in his eyes.\n\n"Halt there, <<print $PlayerName>>, not so fast! This dungeon is not a place for scrawny little twerps such as yourself. Run along home now."\n\nAfter a quick look up and down your adventurer's cloak, he adds, "With your piddly little <<print $HP>> HP, I'd never let you in here. It just wouldn't be responsible."\n\nWell, this is a thorn in your side. You'd hoped to trot straight into the dungeons, and be back home with some goblin heads before supper. What to do now?\n\n<<display "Dungeon door options">>
The wizard arches an eyebrow. He seems to be somewhat impressed.\n\n"Oh, ok. Rich kid, huh? Daddy bought you a fancy sword. Well, that does change matters somewhat. I think I'll let you in... err, for a small fee. Give me 10 gold, and you're welcome to enter."\n\nYou have <<print $GP>> gold pieces tucked away in your cloak.\n\n<<choice "Give the mean old wizard 10 gold pieces.">>\n\n<<choice "Charge the wizard with your sword.">>
You step into the dungeon. You hear the wizard cackle as he slams the door shut, and you slide down a slope, and into a big pit of spikes. \n\nYou are dead. But it is not in vein! You have died a hero's death, in a dungeon no less! \n\nYou win!
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History.prototype.originalDisplay = History.prototype.display;\n\nHistory.prototype.display = function (title, link, render)\n{\n if ((render != 'quietly') && (render != 'offscreen'))\n removeChildren($('passages'));\n \n this.originalDisplay.apply(this, arguments);\n};
The wizard chuckles, "Oh no no no no nooooo. This is the Darstardly Dark Caverns of Doom. Quite a different matter."\n\n<<display "Dungeon door options">>
(You have a fancy sword, and <<print $GP>> gold pieces hidden in your cloak.)\n\n<<actions "Oh, I thought this was Sunshine Meadows Dungeon. Where am I again?" "But check out my sweet sword! I'm totally strong enough to tackle what's inside." "Fuck off you mouldy wizard. You don't know nothin' about me!">>
by Murray Lorden
An Adventurer's Tale
<<silently>>\n<<if $GP lt 10>>\n<<endsilently>>\n"Well, it appears daddy was not as generous with your pocket money as with your weaponry! Unless you can pay me 10 gold, you will not be entering these here dungeons, friendo. Realising his message was not that impressive, he clears his throat, and booms, "None shall pass!"\n<<else>><<silently>><<set $GP = $GP - 10>><<endsilently>>\nYou hand the wizard 10 gold pieces, feeling a bit disappointed that you'll have less to spend when you meet the inevitable dwarf merchant looking to make a few spare gold by selling unwanted trinkets in the dungeons. Oh well... Even wizards must succumb to the invading commercialisation of the world.\n<<endif>>\nYou have <<print $GP>> gold pieces left.\n\nGo [[through the dungeon door]].\n